Mohammad Noor Nabi
Lecturer A
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
School of Engineering, Technology and Sciences
Room No: 6005
Email Address: mnnabi@iub.edu.bd
Phone Number: 2225
Lecturer A
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
School of Engineering, Technology and Sciences
Room No: 6005
Email Address: mnnabi@iub.edu.bd
Phone Number: 2225
Research Profile
Journal Paper,
Conference Paper,
Book Chapter,
Project Title: Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based Application in IT and Electronics
Project Manager: Prof. Farruk Ahmed, Mohammad Noor Nabi
- CIS101 : Fundamentals of Computer Systems
- CNC 507 : Network Planning, Management and Administration
- CNC 509 : Computer Network Programming
- CNC 511 : Network Operating Systems
- CSC 101 : Introduction to Computer Sc. & Programming
- CSE 104 : Electrical Circuit Analysis
- CSE 204 : Digital Logic Design
- CSE 210 : Electronics I
- CSE 214 : Computer Organization & Architecture
- CSE 216 : Microprocessor Interfacing & Assembly Language
- CSE 310 : Electronics II
- CSE 315 : Design of Operating System
- CSE 316 : Data Communication & Computer Networks
- CSE 403 : Network management
- CSE 406 : Cryptography and Network Security
- CSE 434 : Advance Programming in UNIX
- EEE 221 : Electronics I
- EEE 234 : Electronics II
- MAT101 : Basic University Mathematics I
Joined as faculty member in the then School of Communication (SoC) of the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) in January 2000.
From 2008 working as a Senior lecturer (Lecturer A), initially in the then School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS) and currently in the department of Computer Science and Engineering of IUB.
From 2002 to 2008 worked as Lecturer in the then School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS) of IUB.
Briefly worked as a faculty member in the then IUB, Chittagong in 2002.
Worked in a research project of the European Union on educational software development from 2004 to 2006 at IUB.
Ph.D in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, (Thesis Submission), 2012
University of Dhaka
M. Sc. (Thesis) in Computer Science, 2007
Independent University, Bangladesh
M. Sc. (Thesis) in Computer Science and Engineering, 1998
University of Dhaka
B. Sc. (Honors) in Applied Physics and Electronics (currently: Electrical and Electronic Engineering), 1996
University of Dhaka