Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
School of Engineering, Technology and Sciences
Room No: 5011
Email Address: mahady@iub.edu.bd
Phone Number: 2223
Website: http://www.cse.iub.edu.bd/faculties/15
Project Title: Fab Lab I U Bangladesh
Project Manager: Mahady Hasan
- CSE303 : Database Management
- CSE451 : Software Engineering
- CSE452 : Software Marketing
- CSE453 : Software Requirement Engineering
- CSE456 : Business Process Reeingineering
- CSE457 : Software Project Management
May, 2018 – till date, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Currently, I worked as head of the department of Computer Science and Engineering under the School of Engineering and Computer Science. I am participating in all departmental administrative decision making. Working to set the vision of the department for next 10 years and 25 years.
January 2020 - Present, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Associate Professor
Promoted to the position of Associate professor of the department of Computer Science and Engineering. Apart from teaching, I am conducting active research in the areas of software production economics and productivity, Machine Learning, AI, Datamining.
January 2011 – January 2020, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Assistant Professor
After finishing my PhD I have joined IUB as assistant professor and teaching both graduate and undergraduate students. I also supervise thesis works of undergraduate and graduate students.
March 2006 – August 2010, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, Tutor & Grader
I have worked as tutor, lab instructor and grader in the University of New South Wales under School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). My responsibilities include but not limited to conduct theory, tutorial and lab classes, evaluate the assignments, projects and exam paper of the both graduate and undergraduate students.
August 2007 – July 2008, Australian Pacific College (APC), Sydney, Australia, Lecturer
I have worked as lecturer at APC. I was in charge of both theoretical and practical classes for multiple degrees e.g., certificate III, certificate IV and diploma. The courses I have conducted are database, system analysis, project management, software application, Programming, accounting, strategic management and so on.
April 2006 – July 2007, James Cook University (JCU), Sydney Campus, Australia, Lecturer
I worked as a lecturer at James Cook University Sydney Campus. My responsibilities include delivering lectures, managing and conducting tutorial and lab classes and evaluating the courses of the master's and undergraduate students.
April 2006 – May 2007,Information Technology Training Institute (ITTI), Sydney, Australia, Lecturer
I worked as a lecturer at ITTI Sydney campus. My responsibilities include delivering lectures, taking tutorials and conducting lab classes for master's, undergraduate and diploma students. I have taken courses like Advance database, System Analysis and Design, Internet programming, Database Management System, Foundation of computing, Computer Programming.
January 2004 – March 2006, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Lecturer
I worked under School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS) as a Lecturer. Apart from conducting the regular classes for undergraduate students I used to advise the undergraduate students and supervise their internship and senior projects. Courses that I had conducted were Database Management System, Algorithm, Programming concept and Introduction to computer science.
September 2002 - March 2003, BRAC University, Bangladesh, Lecturer
I have worked at BRAC University as lecturer under Computer Science and Engineering department. I took both theoretical and practical classes of undergraduate (B.Sc.) students.
September 2002 - December 2002, Independent University, Bangladesh, Part-time Lecturer
During this period I have taken one course (Data structures) for the undergraduate students of the university.
April 2002 - August 2002, BRAC Information Technology Institute (BITI), Bangladesh, Course Coordinator
My responsibility as coordinator was to coordinate between academics, students and management. I dealt with different issues of the students; maintain the result of all the students; issue certificates and transcripts; coordinate with the responsible authority to change in the course curriculum.
March 2001 - April 2002, BRAC Information Technology Institute (BITI), Bangladesh, Faculty Member
In this organization my job was to take both theoretical and practical classes of the diploma students. The courses that I had taken were, Introduction to the computers, Data Structure & Algorithm, Operating System, Programming with C, Mathematic & Statistics, Object Oriented Programming with C++, System Analysis & Database design.
PhD, CSE, 2010
University of New South Wales, Australia
MSc, Database, 2003
University of Sydney, Australia
BSc, Computer Science, 2001
Independent University, Bangladesh