Lecturer A
Department of Physical Sciences,
School of Engineering, Technology and Sciences
Room No: 5007 (B)
Email Address: mdmahbubalam@iub.edu.bd
Research Profile
M. Mahbub Alam |
M. Mahbub Alam et al. |
M. Mahbub Alam et al. |
M. Mahbub Alam et al. |
M. Mahbub Alam et al. |
Project Title: Effective dynamic properties of inhomogeneous media
Project Manager: M. Mahbub Alam
- MAT101 : Intermediate University Mathematics II
- PHY101 : University Physics I
- PHY101L : University Physics-I Lab
- PHY121 : University Physics-II
- PHY121L : University Physics-II Lab
- PHY304 : Quantum Mechanics- I
- PHY435 : Nuclear Physics-II
Research Experience
October/2016 – December/2019
University of Normandy, France & Loughborough University, UK
Project: Investigation of effective dynamic properties of random complex media
April/2016 – September/2016
Kastler-Brossel Laboratory (LKB), Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS), Paris, France
Project: Designing and building an atom-interferometer
July/2015 – October/2015
Max Plank Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany
Project: Ultrafast Routes for Probing the Excitonic Bose-Einstein Condensation in Ta2NiSe5
December/2014 – February/2015
Institute Fresnel, Marseille, France
Project: Experimental Investigation of a hyperbolic metamaterial in the microwave regime
Europhotonics European Union funded 2-year Master's Scholarship (2014-2016) / https://www.europhotonics.org/wordpress/former-students/
University of Normandy 3-year Doctoral fellowship (2016 -2019)
BSc in Physics,
Shahjalal University of Scienc & Technology, Sylhet, Bangaldesh
MSc in Physics,
Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France & Karlsruhe Institute of Technolgoy, Karlsruhe, Germany
PhD in Physics,
University of Normandy, Le Havre, France