Lecturer A
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
School of Engineering, Technology and Sciences
Room No: 5010
Email Address: fahad.monir@iub.edu.bd
Uddin R., Monir F. (2021) |
Md Fahad Monir; Fabrizio Granelli |
Md Fahad Monir; Dan Pan |
M. F. Monir and S. Akhter , "Comparative Analysis of UDP Traffic With and Without SDN-Based Firewall", International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), IEEE Xplore , 2019, (Link) |
M. F. Monir, M.H. Habaebi , "An Improvement Approach for Reducing Transmission Power in Wireless Sensor Networks", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) (Scopus Indexed), Scopus, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication , 2019, (Link) |
Md Fahad Monir and Ryhan Uddin |
Md Fahad Monir, Ryhan Uddin and Dan Pan |
M. F. Monir and R. Uddin < |
M.F. Monir and , "Review for Deployment of Femtocells in SOHO”. Journal of Mobile Computing, Communications & Mobile Networks", Journal of Mobile Computing, Communications & Mobile Networks, STM journals, India , 2016, (Link) |
Md. Fahad Monir, Sarjo Das, Priyankar Roychowdhury |
Project Title: Measuring, visualizating and forecasting the Air Pollution of Dhaka City, by using machine learning
Project Manager: ICT Division, Bangladesh
Project Title: SDN/NFV Integration and Check Load Balancing Efficiency in Software Defined Network
Project Manager: Ryhan Uddin and Dan Pan
- CNC507 : Network Planning, Management & Administration
- CSC 101 : Introduction to Computer Programming
- CSC 430 : Data Communication and Computer Networks
- CSE104 : Electrical Circuit Analysis
- CSE403 : Network Management
● Lecturer (15th Jan 2018 – 31th Jan 2019)
Place: American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB)
Role: Full time lecturer at CS Dept.
● Masters thesis/Intern (1st Mar 2017 – 31st Oct 2017)
Place: CREATE-NET Research Center, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy
MSc in Telecommunication Engineering, 2017
University of Trento, UNITN (Italy)
MSc in ICT Innovation- Major: Internet Technology & Architecture, Minor: Entrepreneurship, 2016
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden)
BSc in Communication Engineering (Honours) , 2014
International Islamic University Malaysia (Malaysia)