Associate Professor
Department of Physical Sciences,
School of Engineering, Technology and Sciences
Room No: C 7012 (Jubilee Building)
Email Address: mahmud.readul@iub.edu.bd
Phone Number: +88-02-8431645-53 EXT. 2288
Md Readul Mahmud |
MIB S.N.M. Azizul Hoque, Anik Alvi, Md. Readul Mahmud, Sajib Sakhawat |
Md. Readul Mahmud |
Md. Readul Mahmud, Shakhawat Hossain and Jin-Hyuk Kim |
Md Readul Mahmud, Vladimir Viktorov and Carmen Viscont |
Vladimir V |
Vladimir V |
Vladimir V |
Md Readul |
Vladimir V |
Vladimir V |
Vladimir V |
Md Readul |
Project Title: Research Interest: Fluid dynamics, Fluid mechanics, Micro-mixer design, Miro-mixing, Micro-bubble production, Micro-droplet production, CFD.
Project Manager: Dr. Md. Readul Mahmud
Project Title: Fluid Dynamics Analysis of the Espresso Coffee Brewing and Dispersing System; Lavazza, Torino-10154, Italy
Project Manager: Md Readul Mahmud, Vladimir Viktorov and Carmen Visconte
Project Title: Analysis of the Rheological Behaviour of Nutella Cream; Ferrero, Alba-12051, Italy
Project Manager: Md Readul Mahmud, Vladimir Viktorov and Carmen Visconte
Project Title: Research Interest
Project Manager: 1. Design of Micro-devices 2. Micro reactor 3. Micro-mixing 4. Micro-heat exchanger 5. Production of Micro-droplets and Micro-bubbles 6. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Project Title: Research Interest:
Project Manager: • Design of Micro-mixer and Micro-device • Experimental and Computational Evaluation of multiphase flows • Numerical Simulation (CFD) by various software (ANSYS, OpenFOAM) to evaluate fluid characteristics such as fluid flow, velocity field, fluid concent
- LFE 201 : Live in Field Experience
- MAT 101 : University Mathematics II
- MAT 104 : Calculus and Analytical Geometry
- MAT 211 : Probability and Statistics
- PHT 437: : Nonlinear optics
- PHY 101 : University Physics I
- PHY 101L : University Physics Lab I
- PHY 102 : University Physics II
- PHY 102L : University Physics II
- PHY 103 : Waves, Oscillations and Optics
- PHY 104 : Heat & Thermodynamics
- PHY 111 : University Physics I
- PHY 121 : University Physics II
- PHY 121L : University Physics II
- PHY 432 : Introduction to Astrophysics
- PHY 437 : Nonlinear Optics
Associate Professor
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
Department of Physical Sciences
January 2023 – to date
Assistant Professor
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
Department of Physical Sciences
July 2018 – January 2023
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB)
Department of Physical Sciences
August 2017 – June 2018
Postdoc Research Fellow
Ferrero SpA, Alba, Italy
LavAzza, Torino, Italy
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
May 2016 – January 2017
PhD Researcher
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
July 2013 – April 2016
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
June 2011 – June 2013
Post Doc, 2017
Ferrero SpA, Alba; LavAzza, Torino; Politenico di Torino, Italy
PhD in Mechanics, 2016
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
MSc in Physics, 2010
Jahangirnagar University (JU)
BSc in Physics, 2009
Jahangirnagar University (JU)